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Packrip Ewing: A Blog About Life
2 min readJan 19, 2024

It’s been 762 days since I wrote something for myself. Tonight, that changes.

I created this blog and my corresponding Twitter account in 2021 during the earliest days of our shared NFT hysteria, but I’ve been writing and blogging for over a decade.

Writing about a trip to Israel helped me go viral on Buzzfeed and land a job at a tech startup.

Writing about my favorite Miles Teller performances helped me land a cameo in Shea Serrano’s book about movies.

Telling girls I met in my twenties that I was writing a novel helped me think I had a decent chance to get a second date, although I knew, and they probably knew, that I was full of shit and barely had three chapters finished.

One day I’ll write that novel, but for now, I’ll write more blog posts.

Writing makes me happy, regardless of however many people read the words that flow from my fingertips onto these pages.

When I sit in front of a keyboard and write, my brain becomes focused, my heart becomes full, and doors open for me that were closed before.

My writing in 2021 opened up opportunities that I’d never imagined, and landed me a dream job at a company I loved and admired, and as of two weeks ago, no longer work for.

That job was an all-consuming endeavor that brought me great joy, and at times, frustration, stress, and anger, but more than anything else, it became a part of me. Who I was, who I am, and how I defined myself, and now, it’s gone. It was with me in the morning when I woke up, and at night when I had dinner with my wife and kids, and at midnight when I should’ve been asleep or watching a movie.

I’ve spent the past two weeks struggling to grapple with that reality. Saying goodbye, filling the time, and searching for direction. What’s left is the person I’ve always been, stripped away of any prestige or ego that the responsibility gave me, looking for a new job and a renewed sense of myself.

So it’s time to start fresh, and write more. Not one tweet at a time, but instead, into a medium (pun intended) that’s a bit more meaningful and considered.

The only way out is through, and for me, the best path forward is one key at a time. Here’s to the next chapter.

